My Ideal Client

Workshop leaders, actors, artisits, muscicians, writers, archetects, therapists … these are just a few of the professions that have benefited from having a muse in their lives. As I think about the perfect client, I want to include the muse as well…because it is a mutually nourishing relationship that we agree to enter into. Key words here are CURIOSITY and OPENNESS and LIGHTNESS in this space that we create together. Entering into this muse relationship requires the willingness to leave familiar shores and venture into uncharted waters. Experience tells us that any new learning can be thrilling AND uncomfortable…so expect to be delighted and stretched as you reach for your own wisdom and inner truths. As your muse, I trust you, my client, to be your own best expert…I will support and guide you through your process and the results you are aiming for belong to you.

I invite you to view the following video of Elizabeth Gilbert, author of Eat, Pray, Love, as she offers her insights about a new way to think about creativity.